Je suis actuellement membre du groupe ROC (Recherche Opérationnelle/Optimisation Combinatoire/Contraintes) du LAAS (Laboratoire d'Architecture et d'Analyse des Systèmes).
Mes thèmes de recherche concernent la théorie des graphes et l'optimisation discrète en général.
Titulaire d'un doctorat et d'une habilitation à diriger des recherches en mathématiques-informatique, mes travaux de thèse et d'habilitation ont porté sur les codes identifiants dans les graphes. J'ai co-encadré les travaux de recherche doctoraux de Marwane Bouznif, de Julien Darlay, de Widad Dali (Enseignant-Chercheur à l'Université de Blida en Algérie), et de Pierre Coupechoux. Mes travaux de thèse ont été encadrés par Sylvain Gravier.
Je suis actuellement membre de la fédération de recherche maths à modeler. Je participe également au groupe informel de recherche TORO (Toulouse Optimisation et Recherche Opérationnelle).
Les publications dans des revues internationales auxquelles j'ai contribué sont les suivantes :
- Antoine Dailly, Julien Moncel, Aline Parreau, Connected Subtraction Games on Subdivided Stars, INTEGERS (19) (2019), G3
- Marwane Bouznif, Julien Darlay, Julien Moncel, Myriam Preissmann, Exact values for three domination-like problems in circular and infinite grid graphs of small height, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 21(3) (2019)
- Paul Dorbec, Éric Duchêne, André Fabbri, Julien Moncel, Aline Parreau, Éric Sopena, Ice sliding games, International Journal of Game Theory 47(2) (2018), 487–508
- Gerd Finke, Ahmed Gara-Ali, Marie-Laure Espinouse, Vincent Jost, Julien Moncel, Unified matrix approach to solve production-maintenance problems on a single machine, Omega 66(A) (2017), 140–146
- Marwane Bouznif, Julien Moncel, Myriam Preissmann, A constant time algorithm for some optimization problems in rotagraphs and fasciagraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 208 (2016), 27–40
- Julien Moncel, Jérémie Thiery, Ariel Waserhole, Computational performances of a simple interchange heuristic for a scheduling problem with an availability constraint, Computers and Industrial Engineering 67 (2014), 216–222
- Sylvain Gravier, Matjaž Kovše, Michel Mollard, Julien Moncel, Aline Parreau, New results on variants of covering codes in Sierpiński graphs Designs, Codes and Cryptography 69(2) (2013) 181–188
- Nadia Brauner, Julien Darlay, Julien Moncel, Dense & sparse graph partition, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(16–17) (2012), 2389–2396
- Marwane Bouznif, Julien Moncel, Myriam Preissmann, Generic algorithms for some decision problems on fasciagraphs and rotagraphs, Discrete Mathematics 312(17) (2012), 2707–2719
- Yael Ben-Haim, Sylvain Gravier, Antoine Lobstein, Julien Moncel, Adaptive identification in torii in the king lattice, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18(1) P116 (2011)
- Éric Duchêne, Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, New results about impartial solitaire clobber, RAIRO–Operations Research, 43 (2009), 463–482
- Yael Ben-Haim, Sylvain Gravier, Antoine Lobstein, Julien Moncel, Adaptive identification in graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 115(7) (2008), 1114–1126
- Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Ahmed Semri, Identifying codes of cartesian product of two cliques of the same size, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 15(1) N4 (2008)
- Sylvain Gravier, Ralf Klasing, Julien Moncel, Hardness results and approximation algorithms for identifying codes and locating-dominating codes in graphs, Algorithmic Operations Research 3(1) (2008), 43–50
- Tero Laihonen, Julien Moncel, On graphs admitting codes identifying sets of vertices, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 41 (2008), 81–91
- Mostafa Blidia, Mustapha Chellali, Frédéric Maffray, Julien Moncel, Ahmed Semri Locating-domination and identifying codes in trees, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 39 (2007), 219–232
- Alan Frieze, Ryan Martin, Julien Moncel, Miklós Ruszinkó, Clifford Smyth, Codes identifying sets of vertices in random networks, Discrete Mathematics 307(9-10) (2007), 1094–1107
- Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, On graphs having a V–{x} set as an identifying code, Discrete Mathematics 307(3-5) (2007), 432–434
- Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Charles Payan, A generalization of the pentomino exclusion problem: Dislocation of graphs, Discrete Mathematics 307(3-5) (2007), 435–444
- Julien Moncel, Constructing codes identifying sets of vertices, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 41(1) (2006), 23–31
- Julien Moncel, On graphs on n vertices having an identifying code of cardinality log2(n+1), Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(14) (2006), 2032–2039
- Irène Charon, Sylvain Gravier, Olivier Hudry, Antoine Lobstein, Michel Mollard, Julien Moncel, A linear algorithm for minimum 1-identifying codes in oriented trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 154(8) (2006), 1246–1253
- Julien Moncel, Monotonicity of the minimum cardinality of an identifying code in the hypercube, Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(6) (2006), 898–899
- Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Ahmed Semri, Identifying codes of cycles, European Journal of Combinatorics 27(5) (2006), 767–776
- Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Construction of codes identifying sets of vertices, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 12(1) R13 (2005)
- Marc Daniel, Sylvain Gravier, Julien Moncel, Identifying codes in some subgraphs of the square lattice, Theoretical Computer Science 319(1-3) (2004), 411–421